quick profit
- 暴利

Most companies these days are just out to make a quick profit .
Since laptops became commonplace in the mid-1990s , neatly2 dressed criminals have found a new crime where they can turn a quick profit .
The era of quick profit is over in China .
We are take In by his promise of quick profit .
Construction of inferior buildings for a quick profit .
Buffett expected to make a quick profit and get out . And he almost did .
More than a quick profit is at stake .
eg.Many speculators invest in real estate in the hope of making a quick profit .
All other considerations are subservient to the need for quick profit .
He bought the house with a ( n ) to making a quick profit out of it .
Turbulent stock markets are providing a fertile ground for active investors looking to make a quick profit .
The takeover deal is a bonanza for small companies hoping to make a quick profit .
Mr. Ma predicted that eBay 's China operation would soon collapse because of pressure to deliver quick profit .
Coal mine accidents are common in China , where work safety is often neglected by bosses seeking a quick profit .
Mr Mugabe may not turn a quick profit , but he probably isn 't going to take a bath either .
They painted him as a predatory capitalist who bought companies and laid people off in search of a quick profit .
Holding large sums of money , they purchase newly-built properties and sell them at higher prices after a short time to turn a quick profit .
None underestimates the ingenuity of adulterators who can make a quick profit by flying under the regulatory radar .
There are many reasons for these problems , mainly due to the designer ' spersonnel a quick profit idea and the lack of rational approach to development .
It was time for the world to jettison the stereotype of Indians in Africa as shopkeepers out to make a quick profit .
Cylindrical steel silos are the most frequent now , compared with traditional reinforced concrete ones , they have advantages of simple structure , short application period and quick profit .
Early Childhood Education " Primary " is a mistake to make a quick profit education tendency to cause more complicated , requiring an integrated strategy to prevent and correct .
They are in distinct contrast with the conventional view of small investors who view the stock market like a casino capable of churning out a quick profit .
Volumes were exceptionally heavy as hedge funds , which had bid aggressively for IPO allocations , sought to turn a quick profit .
The main feature of new product development of China chemical fiber producers is the combination of traditional plants and up to date technologies to produce short process steady production quick profit novel products .
By moving their investments from existing products into newly launched funds , retail clients hope to make a quick profit from the expected initial increase in the funds ' net asset value .
In a few years Indians will become the largest market for both companies , even though the country 's minuscule online advertising market means neither has much chance of turning a quick profit .
Non and low cost option of cleaner production is focused on the improvement of industrial production management and small technological reformation , and it has such merits as low investment , easy operation and quick profit .
This in turn will depend on whether their new friends from the capitalist world avoid the temptation to put a quick profit ahead of long-term investments that will make china 's future progress dependent on continued cooperation with the west .
Many college students have become more superficial , impulsive , interested in a quick profit and less settling and a sense of love on the learning and exploration of professional knowledge , especially for the students who are majoring in laborious majors like geological mining .